"use strict";
var canopyBoundarySql = [
"SELECT the_geom_webmercator",
", canopy_percent * 100 as percent",
", FORMAT('%s (%s%%)',",
"use strict";
var canopyBoundarySql = [
"SELECT the_geom_webmercator",
", canopy_percent * 100 as percent",
", FORMAT('%s (%s%%)',",
Remove parent boundary name suffix. Ex. Pittsburgh (Allegheny) -> Pittsburgh
" SPLIT_PART(name, ' (', 1),",
" ROUND(CAST(canopy_percent * 100 AS numeric), 1)) as label",
" FROM treemap_boundary AS b",
" INNER JOIN treemap_instance_boundaries AS ib ON ib.boundary_id = b.id",
" WHERE ib.instance_id = <%= instanceid %>",
" AND b.category = '<%= category %>'",
" AND b.canopy_percent IS NOT NULL",
" AND b.canopy_percent >= <%= canopy_min %>",
" AND b.canopy_percent <= <%= canopy_max %>",
module.exports = {
"filterQueryArgumentName": "q",
"displayQueryArgumentName": "show",
"restrictFeatureQueryArgumentName": "restrict",
This is the column name of the hstore column used for scalar udfs
"scalar_udf_field": "udfs",
"sqlForMapFeatures": {
"fields": {
"geom": {
"point": "the_geom_webmercator",
"polygon": "stormwater_polygonalmapfeature.polygon"
"base": "feature_type, treemap_tree.id AS tree_id",
"polygon": "feature_type",
"utfGrid": "feature_type, treemap_mapfeature.id AS id"
"basePointModel": "mapFeature",
"basePolygonModel": "polygonalMapFeature",
The tables object gets walked by filtersToTables to build the FROM and JOIN clauses of the SQL string. The “depends” property of each item should include any tables used in the “sql” property to JOIN to that table
"tables": {
"mapFeature": {
"depends": [],
"sql": "treemap_mapfeature"
"polygonalMapFeature": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "LEFT OUTER JOIN stormwater_polygonalmapfeature ON stormwater_polygonalmapfeature.mapfeature_ptr_id = treemap_mapfeature.id"
"plot": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "JOIN treemap_plot ON treemap_mapfeature.id = treemap_plot.mapfeature_ptr_id"
"rainBarrel": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "JOIN stormwater_rainbarrel ON treemap_mapfeature.id = stormwater_rainbarrel.mapfeature_ptr_id"
"rainGarden": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "JOIN stormwater_raingarden ON treemap_mapfeature.id = stormwater_raingarden.polygonalmapfeature_ptr_id"
"bioswale": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "JOIN stormwater_bioswale ON treemap_mapfeature.id = stormwater_bioswale.polygonalmapfeature_ptr_id"
"tree": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "LEFT OUTER JOIN treemap_tree ON treemap_mapfeature.id = treemap_tree.plot_id"
"species": {
"depends": ["mapFeature", "tree"],
"sql": "LEFT OUTER JOIN treemap_species ON treemap_tree.species_id = treemap_species.id"
"mapFeaturePhoto": {
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
"sql": "LEFT OUTER JOIN treemap_mapfeaturephoto ON treemap_mapfeature.id = treemap_mapfeaturephoto.map_feature_id"
"udf": {
Despite mapFeature not being referenced in the “sql” property it will be used in the filter for udf and so it is required
"depends": ["mapFeature"],
udf uses a CROSS JOIN, but in filterObjectToWhere a restrictive WHERE clause is added
"sql": "CROSS JOIN treemap_userdefinedcollectionvalue"
"where": {
"instance" : "treemap_mapfeature.instance_id = <%= instanceid %>"
"treeDisplayFilters": ["EmptyPlot", "Tree"],
"boundaryGrainstoreSql": "SELECT the_geom_webmercator FROM treemap_boundary JOIN treemap_instance_boundaries ON treemap_instance_boundaries.boundary_id = treemap_boundary.id WHERE treemap_instance_boundaries.instance_id=<%= instanceid %> AND treemap_boundary.searchable=true",
"getBoundarySql" : "SELECT the_geom_webmercator FROM treemap_boundary WHERE id=<%= boundaryId %>",
"canopyBoundarySql": canopyBoundarySql,
"showAtZoomSql": "(treemap_mapfeature.hide_at_zoom IS NULL OR treemap_mapfeature.hide_at_zoom < <%= zoom %>)",
"customDbFieldNames": {
"geom": "the_geom_webmercator"
"interactivityForUtfGridRequests": "id",
"modelMapping": {
"mapFeature": "treemap_mapfeature",
"polygonalMapFeature": "stormwater_polygonalmapfeature",
"tree": "treemap_tree",
"plot": "treemap_plot",
"rainBarrel": "stormwater_rainbarrel",
"rainGarden": "stormwater_raingarden",
"bioswale": "stormwater_bioswale",
"species": "treemap_species",
"mapFeaturePhoto": "treemap_mapfeaturephoto",
"udf": "treemap_userdefinedcollectionvalue"
"udfcTemplates": {
"tree": "treemap_userdefinedcollectionvalue.field_definition_id=<%= fieldDefId %> AND treemap_userdefinedcollectionvalue.model_id=treemap_tree.id",
"mapFeature": "treemap_userdefinedcollectionvalue.field_definition_id=<%= fieldDefId %> AND treemap_userdefinedcollectionvalue.model_id=treemap_mapfeature.id",
"treeMarkerMaxWidth": 20