"use strict";
"use strict";
Functions to create Grainstore SQL queries. Grainstore expects to receive a subquery it can plug into another statement. Postgres requires subqueries to be named.
A single request to the tiler will have two separate components that are used to build a single query. This is done because the specification format for these two operations is significantly different. By processing them separately in the tiler, the client-side code of the application sending requests can build these parameters more simply.
Performance note: We tried using ST_SnapToGrid to reduce the number of trees rendered. While rendering does get faster, database queries slow down by a factor of at least five. That particularly hurts in production where we have just one DB server and four renderers.
var _ = require('underscore');
var util = require('util');
var filterObjectToWhere = require('./filterObjectToWhere');
var displayFiltersToWhere = require('./displayFiltersToWhere');
var filtersToTables = require('./filtersToTables');
var addDefaultsToFilter = require('./addDefaultsToFilter');
var config = require('./config');
var units = require('./units');
var utils = require('./filterObjectUtils');
Create a SQL query to return info about map features. Assumes that instanceid is an integer, ready to be plugged directly into SQL
function makeSqlForMapFeatures(filterString, displayString, restrictFeatureString, instanceid,
zoom, isUtfGridRequest, isPolygonRequest, instanceConfig) {
var geom_spec = config.sqlForMapFeatures.fields.geom,
geom_field = isPolygonRequest ? geom_spec.polygon : geom_spec.point,
parsedFilterObject = filterString ? JSON.parse(filterString) : {},
displayFilters = displayString ? JSON.parse(displayString) : undefined,
restrictFeatureFilters = restrictFeatureString ? JSON.parse(restrictFeatureString) : undefined,
filterObjectWithDefaults = addDefaultsToFilter(parsedFilterObject, zoom, isPolygonRequest),
filterObject = units.convertFilterUnits(filterObjectWithDefaults, instanceConfig),
tables = filtersToTables(filterObject, displayFilters, isPolygonRequest, isUtfGridRequest),
where = '',
displayClause = displayFiltersToWhere(displayFilters, restrictFeatureFilters, displayPlotsOnly(filterObject)),
filterClause = filterObjectToWhere(filterObject),
instanceClause = (instanceid ? _.template(config.sqlForMapFeatures.where.instance)({instanceid: instanceid}) : null);
function addToWhere(clause) {
return where ? '( ' + clause + ' ) AND ' + where : clause;
if (filterClause) {
where = filterClause;
Because some searches (e.g. on photos and udf’s) join to other tables, add DISTINCT so we only get one row.
geom_field = util.format('DISTINCT(%s)', geom_field);
} else if (showingPlotsAndTrees(displayFilters)) {
var showAtZoom = _.template(config.showAtZoomSql)({zoom: zoom});
where = addToWhere(showAtZoom);
if (displayClause) {
where = addToWhere(displayClause);
if (instanceClause) {
where = addToWhere(instanceClause);
if (where) {
where = 'WHERE ' + where;
var otherFields;
if (isUtfGridRequest) {
otherFields = config.sqlForMapFeatures.fields.utfGrid;
} else if (isPolygonRequest) {
otherFields = config.sqlForMapFeatures.fields.polygon;
} else {
otherFields = config.sqlForMapFeatures.fields.base;
geom_field = util.format("%s AS %s",
geom_field, config.customDbFieldNames.geom);
return _.template(
'SELECT <%= fields %> FROM <%= tables %> <%= where %>'
fields: geom_field + ', ' + otherFields,
tables: tables.sql,
where: where
If there are trees referenced in the filter object, narrow the display filters to only tree display filters.
function displayPlotsOnly(filterObject) {
var isTreeFilterObject = function(s) {return s.substring(0, 4) === 'tree'; };
var treeKeys = _.filter(utils.filterObjectKeys(filterObject), isTreeFilterObject);
return treeKeys.length > 0;
function showingPlotsAndTrees(displayFilters) {
var isEmpty = (displayFilters === undefined || displayFilters === null),
hasPlotAndTree = _.contains(displayFilters, 'Plot') && _.contains(displayFilters, 'Tree');
return isEmpty || hasPlotAndTree;
Create a SQL query to return info about boundaries. Assumes that instanceid is an integer, ready to be plugged directly into SQL
function makeSqlForBoundaries(instanceid) {
return _.template(config.boundaryGrainstoreSql)({
instanceid: instanceid
function makeSqlForCanopyBoundaries(instanceid, canopy_min, canopy_max, category) {
return _.template(config.canopyBoundarySql)({
instanceid: instanceid,
canopy_min: canopy_min,
canopy_max: canopy_max,
category: category
exports = module.exports = {
makeSqlForMapFeatures: makeSqlForMapFeatures,
makeSqlForCanopyBoundaries: makeSqlForCanopyBoundaries,
makeSqlForBoundaries: makeSqlForBoundaries