"use strict";
"use strict";
Convert an OpenTreeMap 2 filter string to a Postgres/PostGIS-compatible SQL WHERE clause.
A filter string must be valid JSON and conform to the following grammar:
literal = json literal | GMT date string in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
model-name = 'mapFeature' | 'tree' | 'species' | 'mapFeaturePhoto'
model = 'udf:'model-name | model-name
value-property = 'MIN'
| 'MAX'
| 'IN'
| 'IS'
| 'LIKE'
combinator = 'AND' | 'OR'
predicate = { model.['udf:']field: literal }
| { model.['udf:']field: { (value-property: literal)* }}
filter = predicate
| [combinator, filter*]
var _ = require('underscore'),
config = require('./config'),
utils = require('./filterObjectUtils'),
format = require('util').format;
This module exports a single conversion function that takes a JSON format string.
exports = module.exports = function (object) {
if (_.isUndefined(object) || _.isNull(object)) {
throw new Error('A null or undefined filter object cannot be converted to SQL');
return filterToSql(object);
dictionary is used for validating predicates and
providing values and methods used to convert predicates into SQL strings.
IS: {
combinesWith: [],
matcher: '=',
valueConverter: utils.convertValueToEscapedSqlLiteral
combinesWith: [],
matcher: 'IS',
valueConverter: convertValueForIsNull
IN: {
combinesWith: [],
matcher: 'IN',
valueConverter: convertArrayValueToEscapedSqlLiteral
combinesWith: [],
matcher: 'ILIKE',
valueConverter: convertValueForLike
MIN: {
combinesWith: ['MAX'],
matcher: '>=',
exclusiveMatcher: '>',
valueConverter: utils.convertValueToEscapedSqlLiteral
MAX: {
combinesWith: ['MIN'],
matcher: '<=',
exclusiveMatcher: '<',
valueConverter: utils.convertValueToEscapedSqlLiteral
combinesWith: ['WITHIN_RADIUS'],
predicateTransform: transformBoundaryPredicate
combinesWith: ['IN_BOUNDARY'],
predicateTransform: transformWithinRadiusPredicate
transform a predicate that contains a single value
representing a boundary. In particular, this is used with the IN_BOUNDARY
function transformBoundaryPredicate(boundaryId) {
var selectTemplate = _.template(config.getBoundarySql),
selectStatement = selectTemplate({boundaryId: boundaryId});
return 'ST_Contains((' + selectStatement + '), <%= column %>)';
takes an object containing point and radius
data. It returns an underscore template that is used to produce an SQL where
function transformWithinRadiusPredicate(predicateValue) {
var point = predicateValue.POINT,
radius = predicateValue.RADIUS,
template = "ST_DWithin(<%= column %>, ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=3587;POINT(" +
point.x + " " + point.y + ")'), " + radius + ")";
return template;
takes an HStore column name and a key for that collection and
returns a sql escaped string for accessing that member in the SELECT clause
of a SQL statement.
accessHStore(‘grab_bag’, ‘is_valid’) -> “grab_bag”->’is_valid’
function accessHStore(hStoreColumn, accessor) {
TODO: sql injection? why don’t we call sanitize?
var t = _.template('"<%= hStoreColumn %>"::hstore->\'<%= accessor %>\'');
return t({hStoreColumn: hStoreColumn,
accessor: accessor.replace(/'/g, "''")});
converts a string of the format model.column
to “physicalTableName”.”column” for simple fieldNames. For udf scalar or collection
fieldNames, the fieldName is converted to “physicalTableName”.”column”->”hStoreMember”.
function fieldNameToColumnName(fieldName) {
var concreteModel, model, column, customColumnName,
tableName, modelAndColumn, udfCollectionData;
if (fieldName.indexOf('udf:') === 0) {
udfCollectionData = utils.parseUdfCollectionFieldName(fieldName);
model = udfCollectionData.modelName;
column = accessHStore('data', udfCollectionData.hStoreMember);
tableName = config.modelMapping.udf;
} else {
modelAndColumn = fieldName.split('.');
if (modelAndColumn.length != 2) {
throw new Error('Field names in predicate objects ' +
'should be of the form "model.field", not "' +
fieldName + '"');
concreteModel = modelAndColumn[0];
The modelMapping
dictionary is used to convert a short model name to a
physical table name.
if (!config.modelMapping[concreteModel]) {
throw new Error('The model name must be one of the following: ' +
Object.keys(config.modelMapping).join(', ') + '. Not ' + model);
column = modelAndColumn[1];
udf columns are prefixed by ‘udf:’
if (column.indexOf('udf:') === 0) {
column = accessHStore(config.scalar_udf_field, column.substring(4));
model = concreteModel === 'tree' ? 'tree' : 'mapFeature';
} else {
column = utils.sanitizeSqlString(modelAndColumn[1]);
customColumnName = config.customDbFieldNames[column];
column = customColumnName || column;
column = '"' + column + '"';
model = concreteModel;
tableName = config.modelMapping[model]; // model is not sanitized because there is a whitelist
return '"' + tableName + '".' + column;
converts an array of string or number
literals to be used as a SQL query values by wrapping each non-numeric value
in single quotes, escaping single quotes within individual string
literals by converting them into a pair of single quotes, and converting
individual datetime string values matching the defined datetime format
into the correct Postgres literal. Individual values are then joined into
a CSV string wrapped with (), suitable for use in a SQL IN clause.
function convertArrayValueToEscapedSqlLiteral(arrayValue) {
if (_.isArray(arrayValue)) {
return '(' + convertValuesToEscapedSqlLiterals(arrayValue).join(',') + ')';
} else {
throw new Error("Non-array passed to convertArrayValueToEscapedSqlLiteral");
converts an array of string or number literals
to be used as SQL query values by wrapping non-numeric values in single quotes,
escaping single quotes within string literals by converting them into
a pair of single quotes, and converting YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss datetime strings
into the correct Postgres literal.
function convertValuesToEscapedSqlLiterals(values) {
return _.map(values, utils.convertValueToEscapedSqlLiteral);
converts a literal to “NULL” or “NOT NULL” based on its
truthiness. Truthy values -> “NULL”, falsey values -> “NOT NULL”
function convertValueForIsNull(value) {
return !!value ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL";
function convertValueForLike(value) {
return "'%" + utils.sanitizeSqlString(value).replace(/'/g, "''") + "%'";
throws an error if the specified predicate
is not valid.
function validatePredicate(predicate) {
var keys;
if (!_.isObject(predicate)) {
throw new Error('Predicates must be objects');
keys = Object.keys(predicate);
_.each(keys, function(key) {
if (!PREDICATE_TYPES[key]) {
throw new Error('Predicates support the following keys: ' +
Object.keys(PREDICATE_TYPES).join(',') + ' not ' + key);
if (!_.all(keys, function(otherKey) {
return (key === otherKey ||
_.contains(PREDICATE_TYPES[key].combinesWith, otherKey));
})) {
throw new Error('A predicate with keys ' + keys.join(',') +
' is not valid because the predicate key ' + key +
' can only be combined with the following keys: ' +
converts a value and type to
function predicateValueAndTypeToFilterObject(predicateValue, predicateType) {
var matcher;
var value;
var t = PREDICATE_TYPES[predicateType];
Predicate transforms override matchers and can return literal SQL
if (t.predicateTransform) {
return { sql_template: t.predicateTransform(predicateValue) };
} else {
_.isObject can be truthy for arrays
if (_.isObject(predicateValue) && !_.isArray(predicateValue)) {
matcher = predicateValue.EXCLUSIVE ? t.exclusiveMatcher : t.matcher;
value = predicateValue.value;
} else if (_.contains(['MAX', 'MIN'], predicateType) &&
_.contains([undefined, null, ""], predicateValue)) {
return null;
} else {
matcher = t.matcher;
value = predicateValue;
return { matcher: matcher, value: t.valueConverter(value) };
converts the specified predicate
object into
an array of filter objects. Each element in the returned array will
be an object with two keys, matcher
and value
e.g. {matcher: “=”, value: 4}
or an object with a single key called sql_template
that contains an
underscore template that accepts a column
parameter. If sql_template
provided, the template is evaluated and the result is used as the SQL.
function predicateToFilterObjects(predicate) {
return _.reject(_.map(predicate, predicateValueAndTypeToFilterObject), _.isNull);
converts the specified fieldName
and predicate
object into a valid SQL WHERE clause.
function fieldNameAndPredicateToSql(fieldName, predicate) {
var columnName = fieldNameToColumnName(fieldName);
var filters = predicateToFilterObjects(predicate);
var filterStatements = _.map(filters, function(f) {
If a literal value is found it probably needs the column name somewhere besides the LHS so we provide it via an underscore template
if (f.sql_template) {
return _.template(f.sql_template)({ 'column': columnName });
} else {
if (columnName.indexOf('->') !== -1) {
if the column is an hstore field and the value is a datestring literal the hstore field must be converted from text to date before comparsion
if (_.isString(f.value) && f.value.indexOf('(DATE') === 0) {
columnName = format("to_date(%s::text, '%s')",
columnName, utils.DATETIME_FORMATS.date);
} else if (_.isNumber(f.value)) {
columnName = format("( %s )::float ", columnName);
} else {
columnName = format("(%s)", columnName);
return columnName + ' ' + f.matcher + ' ' + f.value;
If this is a query for collection UDFs, we need extra information in the WHERE clause to act as a join criteria, since the table is CROSS JOINed
if (fieldName.indexOf('udf:') === 0) {
var udfCollectionData = utils.parseUdfCollectionFieldName(fieldName);
var model = udfCollectionData.modelName;
Most collection UDFs relate to MapFeatures. The odd duck is Tree Collection UDFs
var udfcTemplate = _.template(model === "tree" ?
config.udfcTemplates.tree :
udfcTemplate({fieldDefId: udfCollectionData.fieldDefId}));
return '(' + filterStatements.join(' AND ') + ')' ;
converts a filter object to a valid SQL WHERE clause.
function objectToSql(o) {
var statements = [];
if (Object.keys(o).length === 0) {
return '';
_.each(o, function (valueOrPredicate, fieldName) {
var predicate;
if (!_.isObject(valueOrPredicate)) {
predicate = {"IS": valueOrPredicate};
} else {
predicate = valueOrPredicate;
statements.push(fieldNameAndPredicateToSql(fieldName, predicate));
return statements.join(' AND ');
converts a combinator array into a valid SQL WHERE clause.
function arrayToSql(a) {
var statements = [];
utils.traverseCombinator(a, function(filter, index) {
return '(' + statements.join(' ' + a[0] + ' ') + ')';
converts any filter object or combinator array into a valid SQL WHERE clause.
function filterToSql(f) {
if (_.isArray(f)) {
return arrayToSql(f);
} else if (_.isObject(f)) {
return objectToSql(f);
} else {
throw new Error('A filter must be an Object or an Array');